Winter is here! We’d like to remind you of a few of our policies and give you other information that will be helpful in this season.

KCC kids are young and, in some cases, have vulnerable immune systems. Please follow these guidelines to keep the center a healthy environment for everyone.

  • Children should stay home if they have a cold, fever, flu-like illness, COVID, or are simply not feeling well. Adults who are not feeling well should not transport kids to the center.
  • If a sibling, parent, or someone else in the home has a highly contagious illness such as hand, foot, and mouth; RSV; COVID; flu; etc., please err on the side of caution and keep your KCC child home.
  • If you keep your child home from school, please also keep them home from KCC.
  • You will not be penalized or charged if your child stays home sick as long as you contact us as early as possible to cancel. Please cancel each service if your child gets both speech/OT and ABA.

  • KCC will be closed when West Bloomfield Schools is closed due to inclement weather and/or road conditions but not for other reasons such as low temperatures, building problems, etc.
  • Be sure to track West Bloomfield Schools on the news or online if snow, ice, or other inclement weather is forecasted.
  • Speech, OT, and ABA sessions will be closed for the entire day. For consistency, this also includes teletherapy sessions.
  • If KCC is open but you decide to keep your child home, please be sure to communicate with your therapist(s) or call the front desk at 248-737-3430. Please cancel each service if your child gets both speech/OT and ABA.

  • Please drive very slowly in the parking lot and proceed with caution, especially in the winter when it may be icy. Always assume there are children present!
  • Be sure to hold your child’s hand or at least have them stand very near you in the parking lot. Do not allow them to run around while you’re talking to their therapist.
  • Park only in official parking spots and not the painted-off area in front of the main entrance double doors. For safety, it is important to keep that area clear at all times.
  • Remember that it is illegal to use handicapped spaces unless you have been issued official disability parking credentials by the state. We have a number of parents who rely on those spots to transport their children so it’s imperative they’re left open for them.


Contact us at 248-737-3430 or at the email below