Cancellation Policy
We understand that you may have to cancel your child's appointments from time to time for valid reasons. We also know that meaningful progress can only occur when children consistently attend their sessions.
Our policies regarding attendance and cancellations for each department are listed below. Please keep in mind the importance of consistent attendance and be sure to cancel your appointments in a timely manner. Call or email as listed if you have any questions.
- We ask all KCC families to maintain a 75% attendance rate per interim (every 4 months) to ensure meaningful progress in therapy.
- Children who are not feeling well should not attend sessions (see illness policy). Families will not be penalized if we are notified in a timely manner (see below).
- If your child's absences are related to COVID-19, you will not be penalized.
Please keep in mind the following if your child's session must be cancelled:
- Give us as much notice as possible but no less than 3 hours prior to your scheduled session(s).
- Sufficient notice of cancellations allows us to accommodate families who have asked for additional sessions.
- Make sure you cancel with each department and with each of your therapists.
If you do not cancel at least 3 hours before your session or your child is absent and you have not notified us (a “no show”):
- First occurrence: You will not be charged, as a courtesy and reminder to adhere to the attendance policy.
- Second occurrence: You will be charged a fee of $40 per speech/OT service. These fees are your responsibility and will not be billed to insurance.
- Third occurrence: You will be charged a fee of $40 per speech/OT service (your responsibility and not billed to insurance), and you will be removed from the schedule. If you would like your child to continue services, you will be placed back on our waitlist for a time that works better with your schedule.
We thank you for your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions, please email Diane or call 248-737-3430.
- We ask all ABA families to maintain an 80% attendance rate per interim (every 2 months) to ensure meaningful progress in therapy.
- We have a very long wait list for ABA services. If you are unable to maintain consistent attendance as outlined in our policy, you will lose your spot in our ABA program.
- Children who are not feeling well should not attend sessions (see illness policy). Families will not be penalized if we are notified in a timely manner (see below).
- If your child's absences are related to COVID-19, you will not be penalized.
Please keep in mind the following if your child's session must be cancelled:
- Full-day or morning-only child: Cancel by 7:45 AM
- Afternoon-only child: Give at least 3-hours notice (if your child's session begins at 1:00 PM, let us know by 10:00 AM)
- Make sure to cancel with each department and with each of your child's therapists.
If you do not cancel as detailed above, or your child is absent and you have not notified us (a “no show”):
- First occurrence: You will not be charged, as a courtesy and a reminder to adhere to the attendance policy.
- Second occurrence: You will be charged a fee of $75 per session for ABA and $40 for speech and/or OT services per day. These fees are your responsibility and will not be billed to insurance.
- Third occurrence: You will be charged a fee of $75 per session for ABA and $40 for speech and/or OT services per day (your responsibility and not billed to insurance) and you will be removed from the schedule. If you would like your child to continue ABA services, you will be placed on our waitlist.
We thank you for your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions, please email Tabby or call 248-847-4077